Aub and Tay

Aub and Tay

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Everyone wants to hold onto something that they are good at! I have been searching this past little while for something that will set me apart from everyone else in the world. Talents that are obvious that I have are...dancing, singing, playing the piano, cutting hair, and wake boarding. But a lot of girls are great dancers, thousands of people are amazing singers, a few people are piano players, Everyone is a hair stylist around here, and quite a few others wake board. So what can set me apart from all of the others? The fact that nobody in this world is me. Not one other person has the same face as i do, or the same eyes, or body. No other person can feel the emotions and thoughts that I have. This past little while i have found myself. It's quite an amazing thing! Never wish to be anybody else! Just wish to be you. We only have one life to live, might as well enjoy the ride. I love to write! It is the best way I can express myself. There is something about reading quotes and turning those thoughts into my own. Or writing down how much someone means to me. It comes so naturally. Looking up at the stars and being in awe! Watching the sunsets and cherishing summer nights. Seeing seasons change and how beautiful our surroundings are. There is something about the mountains that surround our city lights. I am an artist. I love seeing how a hair cut can change a person's image, Or how to put an outfit together to put a sparkle into someone's eye, or how to make a room go from dull to warm, and how a picture can last a life time of memories.  MUSIC. Where would I be without it?! It is so amazing what listening to music can do for me. I have learned that you have to take what you love and run with it! Be confident in you. Do things that you enjoy doing! Dont waste your life on people that dont adore having you in there lives, and dont waste your time doing things that you dont love. We only have one life? Who do you want to be?

1 comment:

  1. ahh this is easy. your sense of humor and the way you look at life. You are so positive and upbeat and believe me that is a talent. Think how nice it is to be with someone who is happy vs. someone who is not. You seem to have the gift of happiness and positiveness naturally.
